Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (2024)

Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (1)This Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and cheapest way how to level your Leatherworking skill up from 1 to 300.

Leatherworking is the best combined with Skinning, and I highly recommend to level these professions together. It will be a lot easier to get the needed leathers if you have Skinning. You can also just buy the materials at the Auction House, but then you will need a lot of gold.

I recommend trying Zygor's 1-60 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or just starting a new alt. It will help you to reach level 60 a lot faster.

Leatherworking guide sections:

  • Materials Required
  • Leatherworking Trainers
  • 1-55 #Apprentice
  • 55-137 #Journeyman
  • 135-205 #Expert
  • 205-300 #Artisan
  • Leatherworking Specializations

Approximate Materials Required:

NOTE: You can buy the threads, dyes, and salt from Leatherworking Supply vendors near your trainer.

Playing WotLK Classic?

Use my WotLK Leatherworking leveling Guide instead. There are a few changes to trainers and recipes, so you should use the WotLK guide for the 1-375 part.

Classic Leatherworking Trainer Location

To become an Apprentice Leatherworker you need to reach level 5 and find a Leatherworking trainer.

Just click on any of these links below to see the trainer's exact location.You can also walk up to a guard in any city and ask where the Leatherworking trainer is, then it will be marked with a red flag on your map

Alliance trainers:

  • Randal Worth in Stormwind City.
  • Gretta Finespindle in Ironforge.
  • Darianna in Darnassus.
  • Nadyia Maneweaver in Teldrassil
  • Adele Fielder in Elwynn Forest

Apprentice Leatherworking

1 - 55

  • 1-20
    19x Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (20)Light Leather - 57 Ruined Leather Scraps

    Make the next recipe if you don't have Ruined Leather Scraps.

Journeyman Leatherworking

You can only train Leatherworking past 75 if you learn Journeyman Leatherworking. Not every Leatherworking trainer will teach you this skill, you have to find an Expert Leatherworker. (Requires level 10)

You can learn Journeyman Leatherworking from these NPCs below:

Horde trainers:

  • Arthur Moore in Undercity.
  • Karolek in Orgrimmar.
  • Tarn in Thunder Bluff.

Alliance trainers:

  • Simon Tanner in Stormwind City.
  • Faldron in Darnassus.
  • Fimble Finespindle in Ironforge.

55 - 137

Expert Leatherworking

To become an Expert Leatherworker you need to reach level 20 and level up Leatherworking to 125, then find an Expert Leatherworking trainer.

You can learn Expert Leatherworking from Telonis in Darnassus (Alliance) and Una in Thunder Bluff (Horde).

137 - 205

  • 155-165
    20x Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (43)Cured Heavy Hide - 20 Heavy Hide, 60 Salt

    You will need the Cured Heavy Hides later.

    Below you can find an alternative way if you don't have any Heavy Hides at all, which is usually the case since Heavy Hide has a pretty low drop rate. But if for example, you can get 5 Heavy Hides, you should stop making Barbaric Leggings at 195 and start making Guardian Gloves.

    Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (48)Pattern: Barbaric Leggings is sold by these NPCs.

  • 190-200
    10x Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (51)Guardian Gloves - 40 Heavy Leather, 10 Cured Heavy Hide, 10 Silken Thread

Artisan Leatherworking

To become an Artisan Leatherworker you need to reach level 35 and level up Leatherworking to 200, then find an Artisan Leatherworking trainer.

Alliance players can learn it from Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (53)Drakk Stonehand. He is in the main Wildhammer Keep in Aerie Peak of the Hinterlands, North of South Shore. He's sort of to the left inside, and down one layer of stairs.

For Horde players, the Artisan Leatherworking Trainer is Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (54)Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas at Camp Mojache.

205 - 260

  • 205-235
    40x Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (55)Nightscape Headband - 200 Thick Leather, 80 Silken Thread

    You need a bit more Silken Thread to make these compared to the Thick Armor kits, but you can sell the Headbands to the vendor for a lot more, so they are actually cheaper than making the armor kits.

Leatherworking Specializations

Once you reach Leatherworking skill level 225 and character level 40, you can choose one of the three Leatherworking specializations: Dragonscale, Elemental, or Tribal. Each specialization gives access to a specific set of patterns.

  • Dragonscale - Mail-type gear
  • Elemental - elemental resistance and Leather-type agility gear
  • Tribal - Leather-type intellect & agility gear and the Devilsaur Armor set

For information on how to become a Dragonscale, Elemental, or Tribal Leatherworker, please see my separate guides:

Dragonscale Elemental Tribal

260 - 290

33x Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (58)Wicked Leather Gauntlets - 264 Rugged Leather, 33 Black Dye, 33 Rune Thread

The Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (59)Pattern: Wicked Leather Gauntlets is sold by Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (60)Leonard Porter in Western Plaguelands, and by Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (61)Werg Thickblade in Tirisfal Glades. It's a limited supply pattern, so you have to wait if someone bought it before you. It has a really long respawn timer, so you should try to buy it from the Auction House, or farm the alternative recipe below.

Alternative recipe:

The recipe below requires Leatherworking 265 to learn, so you will also need 100-150 Thick Leather to make another 6-7 Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (62)Nightscape Boots.

28x Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (63)Wicked Leather Bracers - 224 Rugged Leather, 28 Black Dye, 28 Rune Thread

Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (64)Pattern: Wicked Leather Bracers is dropped by Legashi Rogue in Azshara. It has a 5% drop rate, so you should also try to buy it from the Auction House if you don't want to grind mobs.

290 - 300

10x Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (65)Runic Leather Headband - 140 Rugged Leather, 100 Runecloth, 10 Rune Thread

The Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (66)Pattern: Runic Leather Headband is sold by Jase Farlane in Eastern Plaguelands. It's a limited supply pattern, so you have to wait if someone bought it before you. This one also has a really long respawn timer.

Alternative recipes:

The Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (71)Pattern: Wicked Leather Headband is dropped by Jadefire Tricksters in Felwood. It has a 2% drop rate, which is fairly low, so you should also try to buy it from the Auction House. If the recipe is cheaper than 100 Runecloth, then it's worth buying it.

The other three: Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (72)Pattern: Runic Leather Belt, Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (73)Pattern: Runic Leather Bracers, and Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (74)Pattern: Runic Leather Gauntlets are all world drops, so you can't farm them directly (you shouldn't even try). But you can try to buy it from the Auction House.

Congratulations on reaching 300! Please send feedback about the guide if you think there are parts I could improve, or you found typos, errors, wrong material numbers!

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Classic WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-300 (2024)


Who is the horde artisan Leatherworking trainer? ›

You must be level 35, with 200 skill in Leatherworking, and the cost to train is 5 (this cost can be reduced with honored status with the given faction). The Alliance trainer is Drakk Stonehand and lives in Aerie Peak (Hinterlands), while the Horde trainer is Hahrana Ironhide, who lives in Camp Mojache (Feralas).

How to level Leatherworking 50 100? ›

For Leatherworking, you will only be able to reach skill 50/100 with vendor-learned recipes. You will be required to farm renown or use knowledge points towards other recipes in order to fully max out your skill to 100/100.

What are the specializations in Leatherworking Guide Classic? ›

As for Leatherworking specialties, Shaman and Hunter would choose Dragonscale as it provides mail gear, Leather-wearers interested in DPS/healing raid performance would take Tribal Leatherworking for the agility and intellect gear, while leather-wearers needing resistance gear would choose Elemental Leatherworking.

How to start Leatherworking in WoW? ›

To become an Artisan Leatherworker you need to reach level 35 and level up Leatherworking to 200, then find an Artisan Leatherworking trainer. Alliance players can learn it from Drakk Stonehand. He is in the main Wildhammer Keep in Aerie Peak of the Hinterlands, North of South Shore.

How do you get the secret of Draenor leatherworking? ›

^ You can get the Draenor Leatherworking scroll as a drop from Draenor mobs, or you can buy it at The Tannery for 95 gold. Once per day you can turn 5 Burnished Leather into a Secrets of Draenor Leatherworking book.

Who is the trainer for Northrend leatherworking? ›

Northrend Leatherworking Trainer

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Leatherworking can be learned from the following trainers: Rosemary Bovard, Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) and Bernadette Dexter (Howling Fjord) Awan Iceborn, Taunka'le (Borean Tundra) and Gunter Hansen (Howling Fjord) Diane Cannings, Dalaran.

What is the fastest leveler in WoW? ›

The fastest expansion to level in is Warlords of Draenor (WoD). The primary reason for this is that all the WoD zones have Bonus Objectives. Essentially, they are one-time quest-type objectives that appear throughout the zones. Completing these gives a huge amount of XP for the time spent completing them.

How do you max out Leatherworking in WoW? ›

In total, Leatherworkers will need to spend 750 Knowledge points to max out their Specializations: 140 in Leatherworking Discipline, 250 in Leather Armor Crafting, 250 in Mail Armor Crafting, and 110 in Primordial Leatherworking.

What is 10 50 leveling WoW? ›

New leveling System

10-50 leveling offers you 7 expansions for levelling: Burning Crusade, Wraith of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion and Battle for Azeroth. You pick one and go through it for most of your levelling experience.

Which Leatherworking is the best in WoW Classic? ›

Tribal Leatherworking is without a doubt, the most popular Leatherworking specialization, and it isn't that difficult to understand why. Devilsaur Gauntlets and Devilsaur Leggings are Pre-Raid Best in Slot items for DPS Fury Warriors, Rogues, Hunters, Enhancement Shamans, and Retribution Paladins.

What profession is best with Leatherworking? ›

Leatherworking pairs well with Skinning as you will need those reagents for crafted gear. Mining pairs well with either Engineering or Blacksmithing, production professions that require ore. Skinning pairs well with Leatherworking, as it is required to craft many recipes.

What are the best professions per class in classic WoW? ›

Best Professions For Each Class and Role

Druids and Shamans – Alchemy + Herbalism OR Skinning + Leatherworking; Hunters and Rogues – Engineering + Mining OR Skinning + Leatherworking; Mages, Priests, and Warlocks – Alchemy + Herbalism OR Enchanting + Tailoring; Paladins and Warriors – Blacksmithing + Mining.

Can Leatherworking make mail in WoW Classic? ›

The leatherworking profession allows players to utilize the leather gathered through the skinning profession to create a variety of items, including cloaks, leather and mail armor, and armor kits.

Can hunters wear mail in WoW Classic? ›

Also, at level 40, Shaman and Hunters may learn to wear Mail.

How do I start tribal Leatherworking classic? ›

To get this quest (and specialize in Tribal), first you need to do all of the Wild Leather quests that Pratt McGrubben gives in Feathermoon (he's next to the inn near the fp). Then he gives you a certificate to take to Darnassus to get the pattern for a Wild Leather Cloak.

Where is the leatherworking trainer in Orgrimmar? ›

Karolek is an orc artisan leatherworking trainer located in the Kodohide Leatherworkers shop in the Drag in Orgrimmar. This section concerns content related to Legion. After Vol'jin's death, he was seen speaking with Morgum in front of the building.

Where is the leatherworking trainer in Dragonflight? ›

Learning Leatherworking in Dragonflight

Hideshaper Koruz in The Artisan's Market in Valdrakken. Shurom in Timberstep Outpost in Ohn'ahran Plains.

Where is the leatherworking trainer in Dragon Isles? ›

To acquire the Dragon Isles Leatherworking skill and begin ranking up, seek out Hideshaper Koruz in Valdrakken, as he will be your main trainer. You'll find him with Ralathor the Rugged, the Skinning trainer, on the lowest terrace of The Artisan's Market.


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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