Fling.com Review — Does It Still Work? (2024)

Fling.com is a hookup site that has been around since 2004. In the past, it has provided its user base with solid results. In the present day, it is doubling down on its legacy of performance by offering a three-month performance guarantee. How does it measure up today? We conducted a thorough Fling.com review to get you those answers and more.

Fling.com Review — Does It Still Work? (1)

Fling.com Review Results
  • Popularity - 81
  • Value - 87
  • Features - 82
  • Quality of Members - 84
  • Safety - 85
  • Customer Satisfaction - 88


Final Word on Fling.com

It is refreshing to find a hookup site that has managed to stick to the basics and to offer consistent results to their users.

We feel that Fling.com offers an excellent value to its members and we would rate it as EXCELLENT.

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  • — Pros and Cons —


    • In continuous operation since 2004
    • Large number of active users
    • Powerful and effective search engine for matches
    • Simple and intuitive user interface
    • Mobile access via mobile site
    • Three-month guarantee


    • Site design aesthetics could be modernized
    • Lack of native mobile apps

    Fling.com Review — Does It Still Work? (2)

    A lot has happened since 2004. Many hookup sites have come and gone in that time period. That is why a site that has been in continuous operation for all of that time — such as Fling.com — must have something resoundingly positive going for it.

    Unlike other modern-day hookup sites, Fling does not drown you in gimmicky tricks and features designed to detract you from their less than lackluster performance. To the contrary, Fling keeps its design and user interface simple and easy to navigate. They do this to permit the user to focus on why they are on the site in the first place — to find like minded adults for casual flings and no-strings-attached sexual encounters.

    This openness and sincerity of purpose are quite refreshing. It is what the majority of users love about Fling. There are no false pretenses. Whether you are a man or woman, straight, gay or bi — Fling welcomes you and helps you find a match in your area.

    — User Base —

    Due to its time in the industry and its inclusive business model, the number of active users on Fling is estimated to be over 30 million people. Mind you, these are active users, not some inflated aggregate that includes hollow and abandoned profiles. This means that Fling ranks in the top 20 for active users among hookup sites in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

    Not only that, but Fling also has one of the best retention rates among its members. The industry average for hookup sites is less than 10 percent for member retention lasting more than one year. Fling surpasses that industry benchmark nearly three-times over. That speaks volumes for the level of customer satisfaction offered by Fling.

    From experience, we can tell you that the larger the active user base and the longer the level of membership retention, the better performing the hookup site will be.

    — What Fling.com Offers You —

    As we have already stated, Fling.com is not going to dazzle you with gimmicks. The site, however, does offer its users a strong set of features designed to help you find real matches in your area. Think of Fling as a tried and tested toolkit for finding action fast.

    Specifically, we found the matchmaking search engine on Fling to be its most impressive feature. While other sites rely on complex algorithms that attempt to read their members psyche to pair them up, Fling keeps it real and gets better results. The Fling search engine relies on parity metrics. Basically, they take your personal attributes and the criteria that you have selected as important for a match and feeds you results based on those parameters.

    Fling.com Review — Does It Still Work? (3)

    Fling.com Review — Does It Still Work? (4)

    Additionally, Fling “learns” from your search patterns and — more importantly — from the profiles of members that have liked or chatted with you. This improves your search results even more. In other words, the more you use Fling, the more accurate it is in finding you a hookup.

    — Communication Between Members —

    Fling.com offers its users communication options that include an internal email platform as well as a live chat module. The latter now includes video chat. That means that you can use the power of video to get to know each other better or to arrive at your own “video-based” hookup.

    On the desktop version, we found the video chat feature to work fluidly. Since Fling relies on a mobile website instead of native mobile apps, we feared that the video chat function would suffer when accessed from a smartphone. Incredibly, it worked fabulously — no stuttering or frozen frames. This held true even in areas that only had 3G coverage.

    — Privacy and Security —

    Fling has a healthy 60-40 male to female ratio for its user base. We feel that there are so many real women on the site not only due to its powerful search engine but also due to Fling’s strong dedication to privacy and security.

    While everybody wants a place to let loose and find like-minded people for adult fun, nobody wants their private life to become public. Fling is aware of this and offers a powerful set of privacy and security features that include 128-bit encryption of all customer data. They also offer discreet billing. that way if another person stumbles upon your credit card statement they will not know that you have paid for a Fling subscription. Fling also allows users to switch to “safe mode.” This blocks all explicit images in case you are browsing in an area susceptible to prying eyes. You can also make your personal profile discreet. This makes you only visible to members you pre-select. We found this to be a really useful feature if you have an established circle of “hookup friends” on Fling and are using the platform simply to organize bootie calls.

    — Cost and Guarantee —

    Fling.com Review — Does It Still Work? (5)

    Joining Fling is free. The free version allows you to look around the site and see for yourself how powerful it can be. However, in order to communicate with other members and enjoy the full power of Fling you do need to purchase a membership.

    A one-month membership costs $34.95, but you can lower this to $6.67 per month if you pay for one year in advance. Rarely do we recommend these “advanced purchases,” but in the case of Fling, we feel that the results that you can obtain are worth it.

    Of course, your opinion might vary from our own, Fortunately, Fling also offers a two-day trial membership for only 99 cents. In case you doubt our enthusiasm for the site you can see for yourselves for less than a dollar.

    Additionally, Fling offers its members a three-month guarantee. If in three months you do not find a hookup on the site, they will extend your membership for an additional three months for free.

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    Fling.com Review — Does It Still Work? (2024)


    How many people are on fling? ›

    Fling (social network)
    Type of siteSocial media
    Area servedWorldwide
    Founder(s)Marco Nardone
    CEOMarco Nardone
    Users4 million
    4 more rows

    How does the fling app work? ›

    Fling is a social media application used by teens and adults to share video, text and images with at least 50 random people from around the world. If they like it they can respond to it and send messages or chat with the user.

    Can you use fling for free? ›

    Fling offers both free and paid membership options. The free membership allows users to create a profile, browse through profiles, and send a limited number of messages. However, to access advanced features such as unlimited messaging and video chat, users will need to upgrade to a paid membership.

    Is Fling dating? ›

    Welcome to Fling, the ultimate dating playground for the curious & bold. For 15 epic years we've helped our like-minded community video chat with friends around the globe, set the mood with clear intentions and meet genuine people who match your energy and passion.

    How do I find someone to have a fling with? ›

    Look beyond your normal social group entirely. Good places to find a summer fling include the bar, the beach, a party, or even online (but be careful of catfishing). A good person for a summer fling is someone that's confident, energetic, and independent.

    Is fling and friends with benefits the same? ›

    Unlike a fling or a hook up, FWB arrangements, often involve understanding that the situation is indefinite and that the friendship may resume even if the physical relationship ends. It's not for everyone. Recognising your relationship preference is key to understanding whether FWB can work for you or not.

    What happened to fling com? ›

    After failing to secure the funding it needed to continue, Fling quietly shut down in August 2016, based on bankruptcy administration documents submitted to Companies House by Unii Limited.

    What are the rules of a fling? ›

    The Official Rules For Having A Successful Summer Fling
    • Ask yourself why you want to have a fling. ...
    • Establish boundaries about your summer fling upfront. ...
    • Date other people besides your summer fling. ...
    • Condoms, condoms, condoms. ...
    • Deal with any feelings for your fling right away. ...
    • Consider their feelings about the fling, too.
    May 30, 2019

    Does fling involve feelings? ›

    Fling: It's only physical.

    Serious relationships have both emotional and physical intimacy, while fling relationships are typically categorized by having a primarily sexual connection. Essentially, flings affirm physical attractiveness, not emotional compatibility.

    Do I lose my items if I use Fling? ›

    If Fling is used in a Player vs Wild Pokemon/Trainer then the item is lost permanently. However, if Fling is used in competition battles i.e. with other human players or the NPC controller Battle Frontier areas, then the item is lost only for that battle and still held by the Pokemon once the battle is finished.

    How many times can you use Fling? ›

    Fling has always been a pretty useless move, not because of its effects, but because you can only use it once for the entire battle.

    Does Fling work with no item? ›

    Fling fails if the user has no held item, or if their held item is a TM, an Apricorn, a Gem, any type of Poké Ball, Mail, a Z-Crystal, an Ability Capsule, an Ability Patch, a Festival Ticket, the Red Orb, the Blue Orb, the Rusted Sword, or the Rusted Shield.

    How long does fling last? ›

    Most experts agree that casual relationships usually last anywhere from a few weeks to 3-4 months. If you haven't had the relationship move to exclusivity and commitment by the fourth month, then maybe your partnership doesn't have much of a future beyond being casual.

    What is benching in a relationship? ›

    Key points. "Benching" is when someone keeps you as a back-up in dating because that person is interested in someone else. Being benched doesn't feel good and can waste your time. A person may be benching you if they show limited availability, inconsistency, or one-sided interactions.

    Is fling a good thing? ›

    Flings also offer the opportunity to enjoy someone without pressure of the future or where it's going. They're a great way to explore sexually and learn what you like, what you don't, and what you want more of in future relationships.

    How long does a fling usually last? ›

    Fling partners may meet through social networks or dating apps and have minimal communication or engagement outside of casual hookups. Fling relationships usually last a few weeks to a few months, depending on the participants' preferences and schedules.

    How many months is considered a fling? ›

    To establish a definition, let's say a fling is a romantic connection that lasts no longer than the length of the summer—or four months, at most. A fling is casual and non-monogamous, but definitely involves real feelings.

    How often do flings turn into relationships? ›

    Modern stories give the impression that people simply hookup, have sex for awhile, and then just "slide" into a long-term relationship. Research results contrast the modern fairytale, however, showing only 15% of friends-with-benefits lead to a committed long-term relationship.

    How common are casual hookups? ›

    When it comes to real life, most of today's young adults report some casual sexual experience. The most recent data suggest that between 60 percent and 80 percent of North American college students have had some sort of hook-up experience.


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