Scottish Strawberry Tarts (2024)

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HomeRecipeScottishScottish Strawberry Tarts

Published by Amy

  • 12th June 2023

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When it comes to summer baking treats, is there anything better than a Scottish strawberry tart?

Scottish Strawberry Tarts (5)

In This Post

  • Amy's Notes
  • Granny's Top Tips
  • Scottish Strawberry Tarts Recipe

Scottish Strawberry Tarts (6)

File this recipe under, “bakes I thought were global but are actually really Scottish.”

That list is continually growing. But I think that’s part of growing up somewhere constant, and just never realising otherwise; assuming what you’ve always known, is that everyone in the world has also known.

Now, of course you will get strawberry tarts outside of Scotland. In fact, there are many variations depending on where you are in the world. But these strawberry tarts are the kind you will find in bakeries and supermarkets all over Scotland. The rows of these little individual strawberry tarts in the windows of your High Street bakery is a signal that summer has arrived!

And Scottish strawberries are more delicious than any other strawberries in the world. FACT! If you have never tried one, you must, they are the most strawberry tasting strawberries you will ever taste.

Save this recipe for when you see your first punnet of Scottish strawberries at the supermarket in the coming weeks – you can thank me later!

Scottish Strawberry Tarts (7)

What are Scottish Strawberry Tarts?

Scottish strawberry tarts are delicious little pastry casings, filled with a generous dod of fresh whipped cream, topped with a decent sized strawberry, and finished with a drizzling of strawberry sauce to seal it all in.
Where as you will get strawberry tarts all over the world, here in Scotland we like ours in individual portions, with the ability to eat them on the go!

How to make Scottish Strawberry Tarts?

Don’t let their dazzling, show-stopping appearance fool you… Strawberry tarts are actually quite simple to make.
You’ll start by preparing your pastry cases. This recipe has step-by-step instructions to make fresh shortcrust pastry but you can of course use a pre-made ready roll pastry too.
Then you make your sauce, glaze, jelly…whatever you want to call it! This is again really simple but you can cheat on this step too – just take a look at Granny’s Top Tips below.
Next you will whip up your fresh cream, before finally assembling it all together. Pastry case, dod of cream, strawberry on top, and a drizzle of the sticky sauce to finish. And repeat.
The hardest step is judging just how much strawberry sauce is the right amount – your first tarts will probably have too much or too little, it’s all about trial and error.

Can I use ready-roll pastry in Strawberry Tarts?

Absolutely! You can use a ready-roll shortcrust pastry to make these individual strawberry tarts. In fact, you could even use pre-made pastry shells if you really want to make life easier.And if you want to make gluten-free strawberry tarts, you could use a gluten-free ready-roll shortcrust pastry for ease.

Where can I buy strawberry tart jelly?

My recipe for Scottish Strawberry Tarts includes a super easy, one-pan recipe for strawberry tart jelly/jam/sauce. There are a few Scottish food producers that sell their own strawberry tart sauce but this is generally quite seasonal and not as easy to get a hold of outside Scotland.
See Granny’s Top Tips below for some ideas for strawberry sauce alternatives if you want to skip making your own.

Scottish Strawberry Tarts (8)

Granny's Top Tips

• If you don’t havebaking beansalready, this is one recipe that is worth investing in them for. And when it comes to baking the pastry with the baking beans, a good hack is the place a cupcake case into the pastry and fill them with the beans. Not lining the pastry before adding the beans will be a trypophobics nightmare, not to mention a pain to get them back out of the pastry.

• Short on time? You can make your pastry ahead of time and keep it in the fridge. Or simply use a ready-roll shortcrust pastry.

• Struggle with whipping cream? The recipe states double cream but if you have trouble getting cream to the right consistency, use whipping cream instead – it’s a bit more forgiving. And stop whipping right before you think you’ve whipped it enough, it will continue to thicken a little more.

• You want decent sized strawberries for in your tarts. Not too big though, or all your sauce will roll right down off them, and down the sides of your pastry.

• If you don’t want to spend the time making the strawberry sauce, you can use a strawberry syrup intended for ice cream, some watered down strawberry jam or some Scottish companies like Castleton Farm do make their very own strawberry glazing jelly, specifically for use on Scottish strawberry tarts.


These little home made Strawberry Tarts simply wouldn’t work without their shortcrust pastry casing. Butter will give you the richest tasting pastry but margarine is also an option, should you prefer. Just be sure to use a block margarine, as opposed to the spreadable kind – the latter will make your pastry too soft and difficult to work with.

Not necessarily essential in a shortcrust pastry but when you’re making a pastry for a sweet tart, it makes sense to start with a sweetened pastry, right?

Plain flour for a shortcrust pastry because we don’t want it rising and taking away any of the precious room for fillings.

Strawberry Sauce
My strawberry tarts recipe includes instructions to make your own, fresh strawberry tarts sauce. It’s super easy and only requires a few more ingredients – strawberry, sugar, corn flour and a little water. You mix the cornflour and water to make a slurry – this helps thicken the sauce without having to boil it for ages. Then you simply pop all the ingredients into a pan an boil then simmer. You’re looking at about 20 minutes in total.
This is a great way to use strawberries that are a little past their best too, no one will know they were a little squishy once they’ve been macerated into a sweet sauce.

Double Cream
When Granny made Strawberry Tarts in the bakery they used what was known as synthetic cream (sometimes known as mock cream). This isn’t something you can pick up in the supermarkets, although some online retailers do stock it, and there is some recipes online should you want to keep it authentic.
However, whipping up some double cream is a much more natural substitute, not to mention absolutely delicious. The only thing you need to watch for when using fresh cream is storing the strawberry tarts in the fridge and not keeping them longer than a couple of days – although I guarantee you’ll have them all eaten before then! But should you wish to keep them a little longer, simply swap the fresh cream for a buttercream.

You’ll need a punnet of strawberries for making the strawberry sauce but you will also need 12 decent sized strawberries too – one for each tart. You want them to be medium-large, not too big and not too small. If you can’t get decent sized strawberries, you could always use 2-3 smaller ones in their place.

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Custard Tarts


Scottish Strawberry Tarts (11)

Scottish Strawberry Tarts

When it comes to summer baking treats, is there anything better than a home made Scottish strawberry tart?

5 from 5 votes


Course: Dessert, Snack

Cuisine: Scottish

Servings: 12


For the Pastry:

For the Strawberry Sauce:

For the Filling:

  • 300 ml Double Cream
  • 12 medium-large Strawberries ((hulled))


For the Pastry:

  • In a large bowl, cream together the butter/margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Sift in the flour and mix to create a soft dough, using your hands to bring it together when necessary. Gently knead the dough on a clean surface to ensure it is completely combined, before wrapping the dough in cling film and placing in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up a little.

    This is a good time to prepare the Strawberry Sauce (instructions below).

  • Meanwhile, pre-heat your oven to 180°c (160°c for fan assisted ovens or Gas Mark 4). After 30 minutes, remove your dough from the fridge. Grease a 12-holecup bun traywith a little butter/margarine and set aside.

  • Roll your dough to about 5mm thick and using a round cutter which is a little bigger than the cups on your bun tray, cut 12 circles. Carefully transfer each circle to your pre-greased tray, gently ensuring no air is caught underneath each and pressing the bottom and edges into place.

  • Prick a few holes into the bottom of each pastry cup, before lining them (I used a paper cupcake case for lining) and filling with somebaking beans. Bake for about 15 minutes, remove the baking beans and bake for a further 5 minutes, until the pastry cases are golden in colour. Allow to cool completely before adding the fillings.

For the Strawberry Sauce:

  • Place the strawberries and sugar into a large pan. Whisk the water and cornflour together in a cup/bowl to create a slurry, then add to the pan too. Bring the mixture to a boil, before reducing to a simmer. Allow the mix to simmer for about 20 minutes, until the strawberries have macerated and are falling apart.

  • Allow your strawberry mixture to cool a little, before straining it through a sieve into a bowl; to remove the pulp and seeds. Let your sauce cool completely before using. If you find your sauce is a little thick when it comes to using, simply add a little boiling water to thin it out.

For the Filling & Finish:

  • In a large bowl, whip you cream until you have medium-stiff peaks. Add a spoonful of cream to the bottom of each pastry casing.

  • Place a strawberry on top of the cream in each pastry casing, before spooning a little strawberry sauce of the top of the strawberries, allowing it to drizzle down onto the cream below. Repeat with all the other tarts.

  • Transfer your finished tarts to the fridge to allow the sauce to set a little. Keep in the fridge until serving.


  • You can use a ready-roll pastry for your strawberry tarts if you wish - simply start the recipe from step 2.
  • Some Scottish food producers do offer a ready-made strawberry tart sauce/glaze, if you'd prefer to use that. Alternatively a strawberry ice cream sauce could also be used, or a watered down jam.
  • If you struggle getting the right consistency when whipping double cream, use whipping cream instead.
  • Due to the fresh cream, store your finished strawberry tarts in the fridge and eat within 48 hours.

Tried this recipe?Tag @bakingwithgranny or use the hashtag #bakingwithgranny!

Free-from & Vegan

Gluten-free:For ease, to make this a gluten-free strawberry tarts recipe, simply swap out the pastry for a gluten-free shortcrust pastry. The recipe for the strawberry sauce is also gluten-free but be careful to check the ingredients on any other ready-made strawberry sauce option.

Nut-free: No nuts are used in this recipe, making it a nut-free strawberry tarts recipe. But be sure to double check your ingredients individually, to check for hidden nuts.

Egg-free: No eggs are used in this recipe, making it a egg-free strawberry tarts recipe. But be sure to double check your ingredients individually, to check for hidden egg.

Dairy-free: To make these as dairy-free strawberry tarts, simply use a dairy-free block margarine in the pastry, and swap the cream for the filling with a dairy-free alternative, such as vegan cream, or coconut cream.

Vegan: To make these into vegan strawberry tarts, simply follow the dairy-free options above.

Scottish Strawberry Tarts (12)

Scottish Strawberry Tarts (13)

11 Responses

  1. Scottish Strawberry Tarts (14)
    Could I use a cream patisserie instead of cream
    Thank you


    1. Yes you could Linda , that’s what I do .


  2. It’s funny Amy, how many of the same products are found in Scottish and Northern Irish bakeries. These are sold in NI bakeries and I am so pleased you have posted a recipe. I love to buy these but now going to try and make my own using your recipe. And well done to your little one , you are very right to be proud


    1. That is funny, Jayne! I had no idea. But yes, there’s been quite a few Scottish recipes I have shared that have also been [unknowingly on my part] Irish & Northern Irish. I will be sure to add this to our Irish recipes list too.


  3. Scottish Strawberry Tarts (15)
    Proper Scottish Strawberry creme patisserie, just whipped cream! Pastry cases turned out perfect and tasted like quality shortbread. Made the strawberry syrup as per recipe and delighted with it too.


  4. Scottish Strawberry Tarts (16)
    I have just made these they look.good ive been trying to make these for years


  5. Hi. Do you have a recipe for making vegan and coconut cream that I can use as filling for the Scottish Strawberry Tarts please?


  6. Scottish Strawberry Tarts (17)
    Hi Amy can’t wait to make your strawberry tarts I grew up in Glasgow and was so happy when my
    Mom brought them the bakery


  7. How do I make crème patisserie please as can’t have fresh cream


  8. Scottish Strawberry Tarts (18)
    Never actually knew these were scottish! Used to buy them at Greggs when I was little all the time.

    Could you use tinned strawberries for the sauce? Or do you think this would change the outcome?


  9. Looking to make these strawberry tarts, can I put homemade custard instead of cream ?


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Scottish Strawberry Tarts (19)

Hi! I'm Amy

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Hello, I’m Amy, the voice-behind and creator-of Baking with Granny.

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Scottish Strawberry Tarts (2024)


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